
…and back. An interesting week, not always for the right reasons. Some more tomorrow or the next day once it’s straight in my head but the summary:
* everything is possible if you put your mind to it
* jugglers are great, and some are fantastic
* some drugs are bad, some are good
* we need a new tent!

Busy busy

Frantically running round trying to organise things before next week, when Bungay begins. I’ve got 10 days of programming to shoehorn into 4 days, stuff to buy, a trip to Norwich for what will probably be a tedious meeting, gardening to sort out and a bathroom to buy…..

Games from history

When I helped my parents move house, we picked up various old games; the most interesting is above, these are the only remaining instructions in the box, which is battered and faded. Inside are various bits of tinplate making up a very early form of crazy golf, called Gofstacle – which seems to be older than I thought, dating from the early 1900s. We’ll have this at Bungay; we’ve also got an old Croquet set and some Table Bowls (tiny, wooden versions of the larger game). Should be fun!


Heard that an old friend is possibly splitting up with their partner; and had a moment of wondering why some couples work, and some just don’t. Me and Alex are lucky enough to be set an example by both sets of parents who are still together in their 70s and give every impression of being happy and well matched; maybe that has helped with our own relationship, maybe this made us finally think marriage would be a good idea. Maybe it’s just luck. We’re now becoming so used to each other that we tend to argue in front of other people just for amusement; we’re in danger of turning into Terry & June….still, sometimes it’s better to be boring than to be alone. Gawd, I’m beginning to sound smug.

Tax can be taxing

Managed to get several projects signed off and new contracts agreed, so (finally) we’re going to have a lot of cash coming in to the company this month. Unfortunately we then have to pay a great deal of it to the government as corporation tax…bleh. Note to self; may not be millionaire quite yet, put off plans for yacht.

We’ve been setting up some servers for a client, and have thus been shifting heavy boxes around….one of the disadvantages of not actually having an office is having to store this sort of thing in your spare bedroom. Turning them on causes a scary amount of noise as well – these are serious machines, with 3 terabytes of disk, 16GB of RAM and dual processors, so the fans have to blow like mad to avoid cooking the silicon. Hopefully they’ll go and live in some cave in London soon and we’ll only have to deal with them over the Net.

Not long to go until two weeks of sitting in a field in Suffolk, which is nice. Tasks done: drilled holes in 200 plastic disks; booked tents, caterers and showers; reminded everyone how lovely it’s going to be. Tasks to do: confirm everything, buy string, hundreds of loo-rolls and loads of other stuff; shift lots of things in and out of vans; panic over enough people coming.